Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What I'm up to...

Ever feel like you are being pulled in so many different directions that one of your limbs might just snap off? That's just scratching the surface of how I've been feeling lately. Between work, housework, parenting, paying bills and barely being home, I'm feeling just a wee bit maxed out. I have a couple giveaways, and handful of recipes and some thoughts and ideas that I'm dying to share with you all, but I've had a hard time finding the time or the energy to blog over the last week. I've also been working on a project that I'm very excited about (I'm hoping to be able to share it with you soon!), and although it's something I'm thoroughly enjoying, it's consuming lots of my "free" time.

While I attempt to find my head in this crazy whirlwind that is my life, I'll leave you with a few of my favorite images from our Missouri trip. Isn't she just scrumptious?

I could fill an entire post with the cute and funny things she's been saying and doing lately. And I probably will at some point. She makes me laugh every day - what on earth did I ever do without her?


  1. cute!

    how did you get your pics like that? I can't get mine to be big like that and together like that.... do tell..

  2. I definitely know how that feels. Definitely.

  3. I sympathise:-) being a mother has to be the busiest job on the planet excluding all of the other things that go into living life!!
