Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Freezing fresh green beans

Peanut and I L-O-V-E us some fresh green beans. We eat 'em raw, we eat 'em steamed...we really aren't too picky.

Even though we don't have a garden this year, we've been incredibly blessed with fresh produce from family and friends who do. Since I had all these green beans sitting on my counter,

I figured I'd better freeze some. Turns out properly freezing vegtables isn't all that hard.

First, rinse your beans and drain. Chop off all the ends and cut them into whatever size you'd like.

This may take awhile, so it might not be a bad idea to occupy your toddler on the back porch with a bucket of soapy water and a spoon.

Boil a large pot of water and throw the beans in when the water is at a nice rolling boil.

Time them for 3 minutes exactly.

In the meantime, refill the bowl of water and soap for your now soaking wet toddler fill a large pot or bucket with ice water.

Drain the beans after the 3 minutes has expired and immediately submerge them in the ice water. (You may have to add some ice!)

Let them sit in the ice water for 3 minutes. Drain and place on a towel to pat dry.

For our little family, I used quart sized freezer bags to store them. Throw them in the freezer and they're good for a year!

Yay for fresh green beans!


  1. Great post! I would've loved a photo of the soaking wet toddler, though. ;)

    So this is called "blanching" right? I'm pretty new to this and haven't tried freezing vegetables yet, although we have meticulously washed berries, then frozen them in a single layer and later transferred them to gallon bags.

    I think I'm gonna have to start stocking up on green beans! :)

  2. I don't like green beans. I wish I did! :)

    I love your porch. I can only see a little bit from that picture but I know I love it just by what I see!!

  3. Such a good idea to freeze. Never thought of doing it, but will be now!

    I recently discovered your blog and have been enjoying it ever since. I have given you a 'lovely blog' award. Come to to collect.

  4. I'm hooked on fresh summer produce, and freezing it is such a simple way to store it.

  5. Great post... I'd be honored if you'd pop over to my blog and post this on 'Friday's Nature Table'.
    Blessings and magic.

  6. Thank you so much for posting this on 'Friday's Nature Table'.
    Blessings and magic.

  7. This is great news. I've never blanched either because I thought it would be more difficult. :)

  8. I just blanched 3 grocery store bags of green beans I picked at my sisters this morning. I hope they will be good, I feel like the farmers wife, while my husband is asleep in front of the golf channel.
