Saturday, May 23, 2009

Homemade Bubbles

Peanut is a huge fan of bubbles.

I recently ran across this recipe for homemade bubbles - it's so simple! These bubbles are hardier than the dollar-store brand and are a very cheap alternative! You know, in case you don't have a dollar. ;-)

You need:
1 gallon of water

1 cup dish detergent

1/4 cup corn syrup

Mix together and start the bubble fun!

Peanut is still getting the hang of the whole blowing bubbles thing, but we still had fun!


  1. i did this a few weeks ago with my kids, we LOVE bubbles! Love the cute little scrunched up face:)

  2. Hmm, corn syrup. Interesting. I ran across a recipe that called for oil to make the bubbles stronger, and it didn't work so well. I don't have any corn syrup but maybe I can borrow enough from a neighbor to make up this recipe. Thanks for posting it!

  3. I threw out all my corn syrup. Alas...

  4. So that's how you make homemade bubbles. Thanks for this. I'll try this with the girls soon.
    Peanut is absolutely adorable!
